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For undergraduate or master's students. Supervisors in universities, research institutes or companies can apply to the fund for grants even if they haven't found a student.
The fund's goal is to give universities, research institutes and companies a chance to hire undergraduate and master's students for summer jobs in research and development.
Applications are open once each year.
Deadline for application 2025 was February 7, at 15:00 PM
Read moreHvenær: 5. febrúar kl. 14:00
Read moreFundurinn verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 6. febrúar 2025 kl. 12:30-13:30 á Teams.
Read moreDr. Margrét Helga Ögmundsdóttir ræðir við gesti um rannsóknir sínar sem prófessor við Læknadeild Háskóla Íslands.
Read moreChildren and young people from 6-25 years old. Also people who are working with and/or for this age group. Traditional sport projects are not funded by the Icelandic Youth Fund.
The objective of the Fund is to support innovative projects aimed at and for young people.
The main objective is to help youth clubs and organisations in Iceland to improve and expand their activities. Among activities funded are:
Next deadline is 17 Februar 2025 at 15:00.
The fund is open for application February and October each year.
See further information on the Icelandic page of the fund.
Professional associations of upper secondary level teachers that offer retraining programs. School/educational institutions for lectures or conferences.
Grants for organizing summer courses for upper secondary level teachers, guest lectures, on-the-job training and conference attendance.
February and October each year.
See further information on the Icelandic page of the fund.
Read moreTeachers, writers of educational materials and publishing houses.
The making and development of educational materials for preschools , primary and upper secondary schools.
Application deadline 2025: 17 February 2025, at: 15:00.
See further information on the Icelandic page of the fund.
Rannís, Eyvör (NCC-IS) og Miðstöð stafrænnar nýsköpunar (EDIH-IS) bjóða á viðburðinn „Varðmenn gegn netvættum – Styrkjum skjaldborgina!“ mánudaginn 17. febrúar í Fenjamýri, Grósku.
Read moreÞann 18. febrúar nk. verður haldinn opinn upplýsingadagur COST á netinu. Tilgangur COST verkefna er að byggja upp samstarfsnet á ákveðnum rannsóknasviðum.
Read moreEuroguidance á Norðurlöndunum og í Eystrasaltsríkjunum bjóða upp á röð örnámskeiða tengd náms- og starfsráðgjöf. Þann 18. febrúar 2025 kl. 14:00-15:15 að íslenskum tíma verður fjallað um fimm víddir umhverfisvænnar starfsráðgjafar.
Read moreStyrkur til rannsóknaverkefna sem þurfa aðgang að rannsóknaraðstöðu í sjö löndum. Rafrænn upplýsingafundur 28. febrúar kl. 12:00.
Read more