March 2025

March 2025

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  • 14.9.2023 - 12:00, Application Deadline
  • 14.3.2024 - 13:00, Application Deadline

What is Eurostars? 

Eurostars is a joint programme supporting R&D performing SMEs. It is co-funded from the national budgets of 36 Eurostars countries and the European Union through Horizon 2020. Participating countries earmark funds for their participants following national funding rules and procedures.

Eurostars is the largest international funding programme for SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation. 

What is the goal? 

Eurostars has been carefully developed to meet the specific needs of SMEs. With its bottom-up approach, it stimulates international collaborative research and innovation projects that will be rapidly commercialised.

Grant amount:

Up to ISK 45 million in total over three years, but not more than ISK 30 million in two years or ISK 15 million in one year. 

Maximum duration of project: 

Projects must be completed less than 36 months after the project start date, and market introduction (or the start of clinical trials) must be planned within 24 months of the project's completion.

Eligibility Criteria: 

Project partners can be SMEs, universities and research centres from any of the programme's 36 participating countries. Organisations in non-participating countries can still join a Eurostars consortium if there are two members from different participating countries. In addition, at least 50% of your total project budget (excluding subcontracting) must come from the SME. If there is more than one R&D-performing SME in the consortium, their combined budgets must equal at least 50% of your total project budget. See full eligibility guidelines.

The evaluation and allocation process

After the submission deadline, all applications are evaluated in a centralised process managed by the Eureka Secretariat. The evaluation process (from submission deadline to finalisation of the funding contract) is completed within four to seven months.

On receiving your approval letter, each project participant must contact their National Project Coordinator ( to secure their funding and fulfil any other national requirements. 

Rannís' role:

The National Project Coordinator at Rannís provides information and assistance with applications. See contact information for Rannís here on the right. Icelandic participation is funded by a contribution from the Technology Development Fund, which is run by Rannís.

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