December 2023

December 2023

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Opið fyrir köll í nýsköpunarsjóð framkvæmdastjórnar ESB 30.11.2023 9:00 - 11:30 Í streymi (online) 7.12.2023 9:00 - 16:30 Í streymi (online)

Kynningarfundir verða haldnir 30. nóvember og 7. desember

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Áttunda norræna-kínverska norðurslóðaráðstefnan 3.12.2023 - 6.12.2023 Ráðstefna

Vakin er athygli á því að áttunda norræna-kínverska norðurslóðaráðstefnan verður haldin í Guangzhou í Kína, 3. - 6. desember 2023. Ráðstefnan er helguð vísindasamvinnu og þekkingu í þágu sjálfbærni á norðurslóðum. 

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Námskeið fyrir byrjendur í umsóknaskrifum í Horizon Europe 4.12.2023 - 5.12.2023 9:00 - 12:00 Námskeið

Sérfræðingar Rannís bjóða upp á tvö námskeið í umsóknarskrifum þann 4. og 5. desember nk. frá klukkan 9:00-12:00. Fyrra námskeiðið verður haldið á staðnum og er takmarkaður sætafjöldi í boði. Seinna námskeiðið er á netinu.

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NordForsk rannsóknaverkefni á sviði grænna umskipta 5.12.2023 Umsóknarfrestur

Á vegum NordForsk hefur verið opnað fyrir umsóknir um verkefnastyrki innan Norðurlanda og Eystrasaltsríkjanna á sviði grænna umskipta. Umsóknarfrestur er til 5. desember 2023.

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Creative Europe vinnustofa um samstarfsverkefni 7.12.2023 10:00 Rafrænn viðburður

Creative Europe / Rannís – býður til vinnustofu um umsóknarferil evrópskra samstarfsverkefna fimmtudaginn 7. desember næstkomandi kl. 10:00 

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Erasmus+ býður í aðventukaffi 7.12.2023 14:30 Borgartún 30, fundarsalur 3. hæð

Fimmtudaginn 7. desember kl. 14:30 hjá Rannís, Borgartúni 30.

Langar þig að fræðast um Erasmus+ áætlunina og þau tækifæri sem eru í boði með óformlegu kaffispjalli á aðventunni?

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Rafrænn kynningarfundur um Nordplus 8.12.2023 10:00 - 11:00 Fjarfundur

Nordplus er menntaáætlun Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar og inniheldur fimm undiráætlanir á leik-, grunn- og framhaldsskólastigi, fullorðinsfræðslu, á háskólastigi, á sviði tungumála Norðurlandanna og svo áætlun sem vinnur þvert á skólastig. Næsti umsóknarfrestur um verkefnastyrk er 1. febrúar 2024 og því verður haldinn kynningarfundur á Teams þann 8. desember 2023 kl. 10:00 - 11:00. 

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Opið fyrir umsóknir í Digital Europe 12.12.2023 8:30 - 15:00 Rafrænn viðburður

Þann 21. nóvember sl. opnaði fimmta umferð Digital Europe áætlunarinnar og er umsóknarfrestur 21. mars 2024.

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Haustfundur Tækniþróunarsjóðs 2023 14.12.2023 15:00 - 16:00 Gróska

Haustfundur Tækniþróunarsjóðs 2023 verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 14. desember, kl. 15:00-16:00 í Grósku.

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Langar þig í nám erlendis? 19.12.2023 16:00 Kex Hostel

Upplýsingastofa um nám erlendis og SÍNE standa fyrir kynningarfundi um nám erlendis, þriðjudaginn 19. desember kl. 16:00 á Kex hostel.

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Deduction from the income of foreign experts 31.12.2023 Application deadline - open all year round

Target group

Foreign experts, who are hired to work in Iceland, as from 1 January 2017.


Experts qualifying for the deduction are authorised to deduct 25% of income, i.e. only 75% of their income is taxed, by withholding and assessment, for the first three years of employment. In the case where the employer has withheld public levies on salary income from the time the employee began working in Iceland as a foreign expert until an application is approved, the Director of Internal Revenue shall correct previous with holdings. Salary-related levies, including child support and interest tax rebates shall take account of the total salary of the foreign expert.


An application for deduction with supporting documents shall be submitted to a special committee, no later than three months from the date when the expert began working in Iceland.


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Technology Development Fund 31.12.2023 Application deadline - open all year round 15.2.2024 Application Deadline (1) 31.12.2024 Application deadline - open all year round 31.12.2025 Application deadline - open all year round 31.12.2026 Application deadline - open all year round

Target group

Individuals, universities, business enterprises and public institutions


The role of the fund is to support research and development activities, which aim towards innovation in Icelandic industry. The Technology Development Fund is a competitive fund which issues its calls for proposals twice a year.


Application in Hagnýt rannsóknarverkefni - 17 February 2025.

Application in Vöxtur/Sprettur, Sproti and Markaður - 17 February 2025.

Open for application in Fræ/Þróunarfræ all year round.

Open for application in Einkaleyfastyrkur all year round.


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Support for the publication of books in Icelandic 31.12.2023 Application deadline - open all year round

Target group

Book publishers, i.e. an individual, group or legal person financially responsible for the publication of a book, registered as a party subject to value added tax pursuant to Article 5 of the Value Added Tax Act, No 50/1988, under code 58.11.0 Book publishing according to the classification of economic activities published by Statistics Iceland. Foreign applicants mustprovide evidence of similar registration of their activities in another country.


To support the publication of books in Icelandic by providing temporary financial aid to publishers in the form of a partial reimbursement of costs incurred in the publication of books in Icelandic. Based on legislative act 130/2018. The act is in place until December 31st 2023.


Open for applications all year round. An application must be received no later than nine months after the publication of the book concerned. 


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