February 2024

February 2024

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Technology Development Fund 31.12.2023 Application deadline - open all year round 15.2.2024 Application Deadline (1) 31.12.2024 Application deadline - open all year round 31.12.2025 Application deadline - open all year round 31.12.2026 Application deadline - open all year round

Target group

Individuals, universities, business enterprises and public institutions


The role of the fund is to support research and development activities, which aim towards innovation in Icelandic industry. The Technology Development Fund is a competitive fund which issues its calls for proposals twice a year.


Application in Hagnýt rannsóknarverkefni - Once a year and expected to be in February 2025.

Application in Vöxtur/Sprettur, Sproti and Markaður - 15 September 2024 at 15:00.

Open for application in Fræ/Þróunarfræ all year round.

Open for application in Einkaleyfastyrkur all year round.


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Kynningarfundur um Tækniþróunarsjóð, skattahvata og Enterprise Europe Network 7.2.2024 8:30 - 10:00 Hús atvinnulífsins, Borgartúni 35

Samtök iðnaðarins og Rannís standa fyrir kynningarfundi 7. febrúar 2024 kl. 8.30-10:00 í fundarsalnum Hyl, 1. hæð í Húsi atvinnulífsins, Borgartúni 35.

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Icelandic Student Innovation Fund 12.2.2024 Deadline

 For whom?

For undergraduate or master's students. Supervisors in universities, research institutes or companies can apply to the fund for grants even if they haven't found a student.

For what?

The fund's goal is to give universities, research institutes and companies a chance to hire undergraduate and master's students for summer jobs in research and development. 


Applications are open once each year.  

Deadline for application 2024 was February 12, at 15:00 PM


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