Jules Verne

Target group

Scientists in all fields of basic science and applied research.


The objective is to facilitate and develop high quality scientific and technological cooperation between research organizations of the two countries.

The grants are intended to cover travel and subsistence of scientists for mutual visits. Funding for the project itself must come from other sources.




What are the objectives?

The objective is to facilitate and develop high quality scientific and technological cooperation between research organizations of the two countries.

Particular attention will be paid to cooperation projects which have the prospect of submitting a joint proposal to the Horizon Europe Program. 

Who can apply?

Scientists in all fields of basic science and applied research can apply, but special focus on certain areas are presented in each case. Institutes and research groups at university level can apply. Active participation of young scientists is a prerequisite, PhD students or those who have recently completed doctoral studies.

What is funded?

The grants are intended to cover travel and subsistence of scientists for mutual visits. Funding for the project itself must come from other sources. The financing is approved for two years.  At the end of the project beneficiaries have to submit a detailed report on the scientific and financial outcome of the project and the possibilities of continued cooperation. The final report must be submitted no later than three months after the project ends. Grants awarded to local entities should be sufficient to cover travel and accommodation along with travel insurance for their stay in France.

Conditions for funding

Cooperating partners are required to submit application in respective country, that is the French partners must submit a proposal in France and the Icelandic partner in Iceland.  The application shall include a description of the project consortium, which will be evaluated separately in France and Iceland. A joint decision on funding will then be made by France and Iceland in accordance with common interests and priorities

Note that only proposals that have been submitted in both countries can be considered eligible. As applicable, it is recommended that the Icelandic applicants monitoring the French partner has also submitted a proposal in France.

Information in Icelandic

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