Education Research Fund‘s allocation for 2021


The minister of education, science and culture has allocated grants for 2021 from the Education Research Fund. A total of 23 valid applications were received by the Fund, four of which were funded for a total of ISK 72.547.500.

  • Menntarannsoknasj_mynd_an_texta

The Education Research Fund awards grants for applied research in the fields of preschool, compulsory school, and upper secondary school education, including adult education on that level, and after-school activities. The aim of the Education Research Fund is to strengthen the foundations of applied education research, increase opportunities for creating and communicating knowledge that promotes advancement and reform in schooling, and support the implementation of Education Policy 2030.

The fund's priorities for 2021 were:

  • Educating students with a diverse cultural and linguistic background.
  • School refusal (school avoidance) and school drop-out.
  • Teaching and learning in mathematics, science and technology (STEM subjects).

Grant categories were two, on the one hand grants for research projects, and on the other support for doctoral students. A total of 23 valid proposals were received, 14 for research projects and 9 doctoral students. The minister's decision, based on the evaluation of the fund's expert panel and the recommendation of the award committee, was to support two applications in each category, for a total of ISK 72.547.500.

Project grants

Both projects span two years. The first focuses on the fund‘s priority of educating students with a diverse cultural and linguistic background; the latter emphasises school refusal (school avoidance) and school drop-out.

Principal investigator Project accounting Title Grant (ISK)
Kathryn Margaret Crowe University of Iceland World of Words in Iceland 23.707.500
Kristjana Stella Blöndal University of Iceland Diversity of dropouts: Voices of early school leavers 24.850.000

Doctoral student grants

The first doctoral project is for one year while the latter spans two years. Both emphasise school refusal (school avoidance) and school drop-out.

Doctoral student Project accounting Title Grant (ISK)
Heiður Hrund Jónsdóttir University of Iceland Self-concept and school attitudes in relation to student engagement and dropping out: A longitudinal study among upper secondary school students 7.995.000
María Jónasdóttir University of Iceland Shorter matriculation examination programs at the upper secondary school level: Impact on the content of academic studies and the consequences for students transition into higher education 15.995.000

The information published may include typos.
Amounts may change as a result of contract negotiations.

The Education Research Fund's homepage.

Announcement in Icelandic.

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