Meeting of a COST Innovators Grant (CIG) network in Iceland


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On 6.-8. September 2023, around 50 research scientists and specialists in the field of cardiovascular disease met for the CIG project " IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies " (IMPACT), funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), a funding organisation for research and innovation networks funded by the European Union.

The project that started in 2022 concluded its activities with the meeting in Reykjavik, which was organised and hosted by Prof. George Kararigas, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Iceland. The predecessor of IMPACT was the COST Action "Realising the therapeutic potential of novel cardioprotective therapies" (EU-CARDIOPROTECTION) , both chaired by Prof. Derek Hausenloy.

The CIG is an initiative that aims to build bridges between research and take-up at market, product, service, or societal level. A CIG aims to enhance the pace and success of research breakthroughs and as such, offers ending Actions the possibility to create additional impact during the year after the end of the Action.

About COST Innovators Grant 

In Icelandic

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