New publication of research and development statistics


These new statistics on domestic expenditure for research and development (R&D) show that the total R&D expenditure in Iceland amounted to 28 billion ISK (ca. 335 MEUR) in 2005. As a share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), R&D expenditure accounted for 2,8%.  From 2003 to 2005 total R&D expenditure in fixed prices has increased by 4 billion ISK (ca. 48 MEUR) or by 16%.  Of all sectors, R&D expenditure was highest (34%) in the health sector.  These figures and many more can be found in the new RANNIS publication which can be dowloaded from this site

To obtain a copy of the booklet. please contact:

Thorvald Finnbjornsson, Head of Analysis, Evaluation and Indicators, or

Elva B. Adalsteinsdottir, Reseacher,

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