Deadline for the M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2014 is 16 September 2014 for pre-proposals.
The M-ERA.NET Transnational Call 2014 opened on the 6th of June 2014.36 funding agencies from 24 countries, including Taiwan and Russia participate in this joint call. RANNIS participates in the call on behalf of Iceland.
Funding will be offered to innovative projects focusing on:
Deadline for mandatory pre-proposals: 16th of September 2014, 12:00 Brussels time.
Details about the call volume and the participating M-ERA.NET countries and regions are available on our Call 2014 website.
All call documents will be published there.
We strongly recommend contacting your regional/national funding agency for regional/national programme details. Details of the participating funding organisations here.
You are kindly invited to take this opportunity for realising transnational R&D projects in Materials Science & Engineering, or disseminate this information to related parties in your networks.
The NMPTeAm2 offers a partner search tool for the M-ERA.NET Call 2014.