Workshop on Writing Successful Grant Proposals


Thursday 6 November 2014, at 9:30-14:00.

Workshop on Writing Successful Grant Proposals

University of Iceland. Main building, 2nd floor.
Thursday 6 November 2014, at 9:30-14:00.
Workshop leader: Robert Porter, PhD.

Workshop fee: 10.000. Material and light lunch included.
Please register before 3 November through this link:  Skráning

Workshop description:

For those who are new to the grant game, this introductory workshop covers basic principles of good grant writing, starting with the phrasing of a compelling research theme to the actual construction of the proposal itself. Major differences between traditional "academic prose" and persuasive grant writing are highlighted. Common pitfalls that can lead to early rejection of good ideas are reviewed, matched with practical strategies for better writing. Special attention will be paid to the perspectives of grant reviewers and how to write in ways that will meet their expectations. 

  • Killer mistakes in grant writing and how to avoid them
  • Two critical steps that will double your chances for success
  • How to win over the grant reviewer
  • Simple keys to a more powerful writing style
  • Visualization: Using illustrations to "sell" your project

Workshop leader:

Robert Porter, PhD, has presented grant writing workshops at leading universities and medical schools internationally. Formerly Director of Research Development at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Porter has received the Distinguished Faculty Award by the Society of Research Administrators International.  With thirty years' experience as a tenured professor, private consultant and research administrator, his proposals have won more than $8 million in awards from government agencies and private foundations. A national leader in the growing field of research development, he has presented papers and workshops     on grant writing at national conferences and has published prize-winning articles in the Journal of Research Administration and Research Management Review. Dr. Porter  has previously taught at Virginia Tech, Swarthmore College, Susquehanna University   and Eastern Washington University. He holds graduate degrees in Speech Communications from the University of Michigan.

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