Preparatory Grants for participants in international cooperation


  • Hubunadarserfraedingur-auglysing-mars-2019

The preparatory grants (sóknarstyrkir) are intended to researchers at Icelandic universities, research institutes and companies that are in the process of submitting a proposal for international grants in the field of research and innovation. Deadline is 25 October at 16:00 GMT.

The objective of the preparatory grants is to support Icelandic researchers who want to participate in international research projects. The boards of the Icelandic Research Fund and the Technology Development Fund contribute up to 20 million ISK in 2019 to the Preparatory Grant Scheme.

Applicants are asked to familiarise themselves with the rules of the grant:

Further information regarding Preparatory Grant.

Applications are sent through the Rannís application system.

Priority is given to those applying for the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

What is funded?

  • Travel grant (200.000 ISK). Eligible cost: travel cost incurred in relation to preparation of a proposal to international research/innovation fund.
  • Advisory grant (250.000 ISK). Eligible cost: cost of buying advisory service or an employee has spent a considerable amount of time on preparing a proposal to international research/innovation fund.
  • Proposal grant (500.000 ISK). Eligible cost: cost incurred due to preparation of international cooperation projects with an Icelandic coordination. Note that an Icelandic member must lead the entire project not only to the Icelandic part.

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